This past Sat. I had the pleasure of having a garden I designed in Fountain Valley be listed as one of the gardens on the California native plant society garden tour for the
Orange County chapter. This event showcased a bunch of native gardens that were located all over Orange County. From as far south as San Juan Capistrano to as far north as Westminster those that attended were able to get a whole slew of free ideas.
I was worried that my clients garden would not look nice during that day but boy was I surprised when I arrived. What did I find?
I found most of her plants in full swing. Blooming like they had never bloomed before just on that day for the right occasion. The purple Penstemon (all of them) were blooming their heads off while the other plants like white and red Autumn Sages and the coral / red Monkey Flower were just finishing their bloom cycle.
you can see in both pictures it is very possible to have a colorful attractive garden that is easy on your wallet and beneficial to the environment. Imagine sitting on that chair at night with a glass of wine and all you see are pretty colors, birds, and butterflies strutting about in your garden. This garden was installed in September of 2010 so just visually picture what it will look in another 6 months. How lovely would it be for you to have that garden that suits your every life style.
For those of you that attended the tour I hope that you saw enough gardens to get a wide range of ideas from hardscape to planting etc. I sincerely appreciate that you took time out of your busy schedule to come out. I am sure that most other gardens would say the same. As a thank you to all who came I would like to offer a complimentary consultation in which you will get an hour of my professional time followed by a contract for professional landscape design services.
Looks great, Rama- Love the native plant palette + beautiful colors... nice work!
Thanks for you support I really appreciate it!
Good job, Rama. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Rob I really appreciate it! :-)
The garden looks great... I'm attempting something similiar in my front-yard:
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