If you come to look at my garden you will notice that there are a lot of Dudleya's. I am obsessed with them. In fact I have a big empty blue pot that I plan to turn into a Dud
Brenda Haas of BG Garden say's that her #1 addition is seeds. She has enough to fill a football field with a thin layer. Ok so maybe not that many but she does have a lot. She also has a bitchen green house where she keeps all her seeds. Her addiction is not necessarily collecting them but also sharing them. What a novel idea to share extra seeds with people who may need what you have and have what you need.
Landscape Architect John Denson who also proudly served for our country has an Orchid
Yolanda Vanveen of Garden Naturally Group is addicted to exotic plants. Hibiscus, Clivia and Voodoo Lily are just a few of her obsessions. She lives in an area that has cold winters which makes keeping some of these plants alive a challenge.
Suzanne Hetrick of Laura Dalton Landscapes tells me that she has a fancy for unusual succulents. The uncommon or maybe just the ones that are rare and illusive. I see where she is going with this.
Everyone has addictions of some kind (hopefully nothing illegal). I would like to know what your gardening addictions are. Something related to gardening that you are just obsessed with. What ever it is I dare you to share by commenting on this post.
The above picture is of Chalk Dudleya with some Hass Dudleya behind it. addiction. Yep! He has an entire website devoted to them. He is surely the go to guy for anything and everything related to Orchids.
Gardening can sure be addictive! When you have your own garden, you can pretty much create your own concept and plant anything you want. The best part is the fulfillment and pleasure you get from these plants. It's like creating your own recreational space, an escape from your busy schedule.
Aaliyah Aldaco
Jugular crab butt garden bottle addiction fish mom cake?
Landscape Designer VA
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