Below are some plants that are recommended for planting to attract butterflies...
- Achillea millefolium - Yarrow
- Eriogonum species - Buckwheat
- Eriophyllum confertiflorum - Golden Yarrow (right picture with yellow flower)
- Isocoma menziesii - Coast Goldenbush
- Mimulus aurantiacus - Monkey Flower
- Monardella species - Coyote Mint
- Salvia species - Sage
- Solidago californica - Goldenrod
- Verbena lilacina - Lilac Verbena

- Amorpha fruticosa - False Indigo Bush
- Baccharis pilularis - Coyote Bush
- Ceanothus species - California Lilac (right picture with blue flower)
- Cleome isomeris - Bladderpod
- Rhamnus californica - Coffeeberry
- Ribes species - Currant
- Platanus racemosa - Western Sycamore
- Prunus ilicifolia - Hollyleaf Cherry
- Quercus species - Oak (right picture)
- Salix species - Willow
As always it is very beneficial to do your homework on each plant to understand the specific needs of each plant.
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