Someday I will get the chance to design a garden that allows me to go up the walls and the roof. It'll be the ultimate living wall or roof top garden. But what exactly are they and how is it beneficial? Living walls essentially means that you plant on a vertical structure while in roof top gardens you plant literally on the rooftop. It is a perfect concept for those that do not have any actual land to garden in. You could even use the
Wooly Pockets to create living

walls. Whether you plant a vine on the wall or something more unique it is often best to do your homework and actually have a drawing so that you know what will and will not work for the space that you have allotted. The same could be said about roof top gardens. You should also keep in mind that you might have regulatory restrictions. Hopefully you won't.

What if the roof top garden became an edible garden while the living wall was just merely decorative? Your options are endless. Imagine the possibilities. I surely will try the living wall concept in my condo but the roof top garden may not sit well with my hoa.
Woolly Pockets are good but there are some alternatives that use no soil. Patrick Blanc who was the pioneer of vertical gardens uses felt.
I have posted a few DIY vertical gardens on my website.
Some good thoughts there. I live in a condo too and I'm thinking my HOA won't let us just plant roof top gardens, so vertical gardens are definitely the way to go.
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