Saturday, July 5, 2008


Drip irrigation is an irrigation method that reduces the use of water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, through a network of valves, pipes, tubing and emitters.

Drip irrigation components are...
  • Pump or pressurized water source
  • Water Filter(s) - Filtration Systems: Sand Separator, Cyclone, Screen Filter, Media Filters
  • Fertigation Systems (Venturi injector) and Chemigation Equipment (optional)
  • Backwash Controller
  • Main Line (larger diameter Pipe and Pipe Fittings)
  • Hand-operated, electronic, or hydraulic Control Valves and Safety Valves
  • Smaller diameter polytube (often referred to as "laterals")
  • Poly fittings and Accessories (to make connections)
  • Emitting Devices at plants (ex. Emitter or Drippers, micro spray heads, inline drippers, trickle rings)

If properly designed, installed and managed, drip irrigation may help achieve water conservation by reducing evaporation and deep drainage when compared to other types of irrigation such as flood or overhead sprinklers since water can be more precisely applied to the plant roots. In addition, drip irrigation can eliminate many diseases that are spread through water contact with the foliage.

Advantages of drip irrigation...

  • Minimized fertilizer/nutrient loss due to localized application and reduced leaching.
  • High water distribution efficiency.
  • Leveling of the field not necessary.
  • Allows safe use of recycled water.
  • Moisture within the root zone can be maintained at field capacity.
  • Soil type plays less important role in frequency of irrigation.
  • Minimized soil erosion.
  • Highly uniform distribution of water i.e., controlled by output of each nozzle.
  • Lower labor cost.
  • Variation in supply can be regulated by regulating the valves and drippers.
  • Fertigation can easily be included with minimal waste of fertilizers.
  • Early maturity and a bountiful harvest (season after season, year after year)

Disadvantages of drip irrigation...

  • Expense - Initial cost can be more than overhead systems.
  • Waste - The sun can affect the tubes used for drip irrigation, shortening their usable life.
  • Longevity is variable.
  • Clogging. If the water is not properly filtered and the equipment not properly maintained, it can result in clogging.
  • Drip irrigation might be unsatisfactory if herbicides or top dressed fertilizers need sprinkler irrigation for activation.
  • Drip tape causes extra cleanup costs after harvest. You'll need to plan for drip tape winding, disposal, recycling or reuse.
  • Waste of water, time & harvest, if not installed properly. These systems requires careful study of all the relevant factors like land topography, soil, water, crop and agro-climatic conditions, and suitability of drip irrigation system and its components.

    "There are always disadvantages to anything however in this case the positives out way the negatives."

If you would like to know where to buy drip irrigation products then contact me and I will happily help you out.

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