As I design my new patio and slowly work on renovating the space, I also have to think about plants. I don't have land to garden in and thus can only use pots. This though creates a tricky situation as some plants may not do well grown in pots. Sadly, my favorite plant aka Cleveland Sage is one of those that will not thrive in any of the pots that I have, due to size. But there are smaller alternate species that may work.

I am going to do a video, where I go to the nursery with my plan and show you what I am thinking of choosing. In the meantime, below are some plants that I am thinking about.

The three that I have in mind for now are some version of Salvia clevelandii (Cleveland Sage), Dudlya, because it is a great California native succulent that needs little care to grow and Satureja douglasii (Yerba Buena).
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