When you are designing a space you have to consider all aspects of the project. What is existing, desired and how to connect both cohesively. In this Fountain Valley project I did just that.
The direction was clear and to the point. Expand the planting area, but keep most of the grass. Use drought tolerant plants and make the space look visually appealing. I did this but creating a curve that would extend the planting space using a mixture of California native plants and some Aenoiums.
The decorative boulders are called red cresta form South West Boulder and Stone. The mulch used is red lava rock that really adds a little something something to the project.
Overall I am really pleased with how this project turned out. This video details the installation.
The plants I used were:
- Salvia clevelandii - Cleveland Sage
- Hesperaloe parvilora - Red Yucca
- Trichostema lanatum - Woolly Blue Curls
- Strelitzia reginae - Bird Of Paradise
- Festuca 'Siskyou Blue' - Siskyou Blue Fescue
- Calylophus hartwegii - Sundrops
- Aeonium
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