The second, is the California native plant society. They have chapters all across California and hold meetings monthly. If you attend any of their meetings then you will get to meet like minded California native plant lovers. Some of the chapters also have annual garden tours of different residences. They also have a Facebook group, where anyone can share about their native plants or ask questions and learn.
The third, is a local Orange County nursery called Tree of Life Nursery. They are a great resource to see California native plants in real life and be a part of lectures about California natives. I spec out their plants often and love it.
The fourth, is another nursery called Las Pilitas in Santa Margarita. Their website has a lot of information about California native plants. I personally have never visited them, but have heard from people who have that they are a great resource.
The fifth, is searching HOUZZ or even Google. It's funny how now you can just say Google it and everyone knows what you mean.
If you have any resources for California natives that I have not mentioned then comment below and share.
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