My first favorite is Calylophus hartwegii - Sundroops. I love this plant because it stays green year round, is a great as a low growing groundcover and blooms all year (except winter). It gets about a 1' high, 3' wide and prefers mostly sun. The cool part is that when the flower has been pollinated and has served it's purpose, it shrivels up to a burn orange color.
My second favorite is Salvia greggii - Autumn Sage. This plant gets 3' tall/wide, can handle some shade and comes in an array of flowers colors. Red, pink, fuchsia, coral, light yellow, white and purple are your options. Just imagine having a few of these colors in your garden in mass. Stunning!

My third favorite non native plant is Epipremnum aureum - Pothos. This plant is great for any indoor space. I have somewhere around 10 inside my home and love it. In my home they are mixed in areas that get descent sun and no sun. This is also a great plant for indoor air quality.
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