What is it you may be asking? Well some contractors (all should do this) offer a 90 day plant guarantee in which if you loose some plants during the first 90 days after the installation of the project then the contractor will replace the plants. This does not mean a full 100% replacement of the dead plants but it does mean is that the labor the replace is free and the cost of the plant material is split in half (varies per contractor).
This is important because no landscape is full proof and you are bound during the establishment period to loose a few plants here and there. This is also another example of why you should hire a professional landscape designer and licensed landscape contractor. In the case of my Garden Grove client he will have to pay for some of the plants and also will not have to worry about finding the replacements and/or installing them.
I'm curious, what time of year did you plant these and did you use an excellent quality mycorrhizal/bacterial inoculent ?
I use to be a landscape supervisor for a property management company and never had problems or issues, but I was always well aware of the dangers of planting in the heat. Also mulch is a must to at least keep the roots kool. A lot of what we do as landscapers is a bit un-natural anyway, but education is key, even with natives.
Hi Timeless,
The garden was planted in the summer when it was really hot. The nursery we bought the plants from already had Mycorrhizal and we even added some Tri-C organics fert. Alas some just did not make it. But thankfully the client was open minded and aware that some may not thrive. We also had an issue with the next door neighbors lawn over watering on one of the planters in my client which caused root rot in one of the planters.
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