The bench that I got for free 8 years ago was looking a bit ratty. It was uncomfortable to sit on and was on it's last leg. So after much debate and thought I decided that it was time for something new. Saying that I need something new in my front porch to sit on was the easy part. Actually fi

nding something that was reasonably priced was the hard part. I searched every place I could think of.
Ikea had some really cool stuff but the price tag was not so cool. Craigslist had one item but the seller never replied to my email. I also checked out other stores and found nothing that was within my pric

e range. Finally by random chance I decided to go to the local thrift store in hopes that maybe they would have something worth looking at and something worth looking at they did. It was like I had hit the jackpot. The mother load or whatever you would like to call it. At first when I saw it I asked myself if I could live with a chair that was purple in color. I almost said no until I noticed that it was $25 + tax. This chair had been previously loved but the price was beyond just right. It was perfect. Super comfy, stylish and in good condition.
Now I can sit out in my front porch blogging or drinking some green tea with lit candles and enjoying the moment. The colors in my garden are turquoise, black, nutmeg, cream and fuchsia. My plants do have a variety of color flowers but since my garden is in full shade I will never see anything other than green leaves. So this chair becomes the perfect compliment. I am curious what items you have in your garden that you did not pay an arm or a leg for. Do share! :-)
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